The Caldwell Catalogue

Telrad® Finder Charts.

Swansea Astronomical Society UK


The Caldwell Catalogue is a list of 109 objects covering both hemispheres that were not listed by Messier.
The list was compile by the great British amateur astronomer Patrick Caldwell Moore. As Messier's list has been dubbed the 'M' objects, Patrick Moore opted to use his middle name. So here we have the 'C' objects.

The Telrad® is a zero magnification finder that projects a set of three concentric red illuminated circles onto a sloping glass plate through which the observer sights on the sky.

These charts can be printed out and used with the aid of a Telrad® finder to locate the objects in the Caldwell Catalogue. They may be used for personal use only. ANY commercial gain anticipated from the use of these charts in any way must be equitably shared with the Swansea Astronomical Society and properly negotiated.
The charts have been printed so that the faintest stars visible on them are magnitude 5. This should give a reasonable representation of what a Telrad® user will see.

 Caldwell 1  Caldwell 2  Caldwell 3  Caldwell 4  Caldwell 5
 Caldwell 6  Caldwell 7  Caldwell 8  Caldwell 9  Caldwell 10
 Caldwell 11  Caldwell 12  Caldwell 13  Caldwell 14  Caldwell 15
 Caldwell 16  Caldwell 17  Caldwell 18  Caldwell 19  Caldwell 20
 Caldwell 21  Caldwell 22  Caldwell 23  Caldwell 24  Caldwell 25
 Caldwell 26  Caldwell 27  Caldwell 28  Caldwell 29  Caldwell 30
 Caldwell 31  Caldwell 32  Caldwell 33  Caldwell 34  Caldwell 35
 Caldwell 36  Caldwell 37  Caldwell 38  Caldwell 39  Caldwell 40
 Caldwell 41  Caldwell 42  Caldwell 43  Caldwell 44  Caldwell 45
 Caldwell 46  Caldwell 47  Caldwell 48  Caldwell 49  Caldwell 50
 Caldwell 51  Caldwell 52  Calswell 53  Caldwell 54  Caldwell 55
 Caldwell 56  Caldwell 57  Caldwell 58  Caldwell 59  Caldwell 60
 Caldwell 61  Caldwell 62  Caldwell 63  Caldwell 64  Caldwell 65
 Caldwell 66  Caldwell 67  Caldwell 68  Caldwell 69  Caldwell 70
 Caldwell 71  Caldwell 72  Caldwell 73  Caldwell 74  Caldwell 75
 Caldwell 76  Caldwell 77  Caldwell 78  Caldwell 79  Caldwell 80
 Caldwell 81  Caldwell 82  Caldwell 83  Caldwell 84  Caldwell 85
 Caldwell 86  Caldwell 87  Caldwell 88  Caldwell 89  Caldwell 90
 Caldwell 91  Caldwell 92  Caldwell 93  Caldwell 94  Caldwell 95
 Caldwell 96  Caldwell 97  Caldwell 98  Caldwell 99  Caldwell 100
 Caldwell 101   Caldwell 102   Caldwell 103   Caldwell 104   Caldwell 105 
 Caldwell 106   Caldwell 107   Caldwell 108   Caldwell 109 

D. Parkin &
S.J. Wainwright. March 1999.

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